Monday, November 19, 2007

My (Haitian) Family

It has come to my attention that I occasionally throw out names of Bernadette's family, causing confusion in blogs, emails, chats, and conversations. Here's a quick run-down... (actual hand-drawn family-tree to come at a later time)

Bernadette Hyacinthe: Mother of family. Woman with whom I live.

Gabrielle Hyacinthe: Oldest child. Known as the dancer in the family.
  • Mikey: Gabrielle's (16? 17? year old) son. Often spends weekends at Bernadette's. Splits his schooling between Haiti and the States, and thus is fluent in Kreyol, French, and English.

Bernady Hyacinthe: Oldest son. Comes over nearly every evening to eat dinner and watch Brazilian soaps before going home to eat (a second) dinner with his family. Also usually spends all day Saturday & Sunday at the house watching soccer.
  • Gilberte: Bernady's wife. When she can get away, she also comes over to watch Brazilian soaps.
  • Bernady & Gilberte have 5 children. I'm still trying to remember all their names, not to mention which of the random children who come to our house to watch TV are theirs.

Marytza Belmur: 3rd child, and the person I know least in the family. She did buy an incredible chocolate cake the other week for Giwo's (see below) birthday, so I think I like her.
  • Jacques: Marytza's husband

Guylene Clerge: Woman who works for MCC. Apparently she, of all the children, is the most similar to Bernadette, and so to preserve her sanity -- as well as her mother's -- she doesn't come by the house often. Known as the religious one of the children.
  • Sebastien: Guylene's son. Often lives at the house (apparently lived with Bernadette almost entirely before I arrived). He's 14. What more do I need to say.

Girauld (Giwo) Hyacinthe: An "everybody's-buddy" kind of guy. Comes to the house Sundays for lunch and seems to be the one designated to bring wine. Known as the partier of the family.
  • Nathalie: Giwo's wife. Occasionally comes for lunch on Sundays. Something about the way she carries herself seems very American, though she's lived her whole life in Haiti.
  • Giwo & Nathalie have an adorable 1-1/2 year old and another on the way.

Louis Philippe (Pipo) Hyacenthe: The youngest child. Has taken up the habit of coming by Saturday mornings to sit and discuss everything under the sun with me while I eat breakfast. (Please. Just let me have coffee before forcing me to explain my views on homosexuality in Kreyol.) Known as the good kid, but actually parties just as much as Giwo.
  • Rachelle: Pipo's wife. Doesn't talk much. (Right now pregnant with their first child, but the baby is having serious complications, so keep her, the baby, and Pipo in your prayers!)


Other notable names:

Gabriel Hyacinthe: The children's father. Separated from Bernadette but occasionally stops by to see the kids. (Why he visits them at Bernadette's is beyond me.)

Francis: Our house-keeper/water-transporter/guardian. Very quiet and patient.

Adeline: Our cook. She generally stays quiet, but you can tell she's a firey one!


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