Thursday, August 28, 2008

Gustav part 2

Made it through Gustav just fine. In fact, I hate to say this because I know there are people suffering right now from all of the rain we got, but I'd even have to say that I enjoyed it.

Due to the rain, wind, and haitians' general fear of rain (which, actually, is quite logical given the lack of infrastructure in Haiti), we left work early on Tuesday. Wednesday I was told I should try to come in if I had work that really had to be done, but since I didn't, I got to stay home all day.

It was cold & gray & rainy all day, so I threw on a sweater, made myself some tea, & curled up with a book. Granted, it's a book on how to build websites, but it was an enjoyable day all the same.

Today, back to normal.


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