Tuesday, August 26, 2008


It seems some of you actually pay attention to the hurricanes/tropical storms that pass through the Caribbean. Gustav is currently making his way through. So far, it's gray, rainy, windy, & cold, but there's not much to report beyond that. It's supposed to hit Port this afternoon, but the reports make it sound like it isn't going to be too strong. mmm...maybe I'll stay home tonight & bake cookies & drink hot chocolate. Thanks to 1st UP for the care package that makes that possible!



Peter said...

Thanks for posting the update. I was wondering how things were. Let us know when it has passed.


Dave said...

Don't take a hurricane for granted. 94mph winds here in July were pretty devastating.
Enjoy your care package goodies.

Lora Steiner said...

I do pay attention to the news--or whatever Google decides is newsworthy,anyway. Glad to know everything is okay so far.

Donna Hildebrand said...

So glad to get an update. I feel like we've gotten to know you through your excellent posts. We hope to see you soon....Christmas? Stay dry!